Thursday, June 21, 2012


 One who is not sure about God’s existence agnostic

 A lover of mankind altruist

Amateur one who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession

Ambidextrous one who can use either hand with ease

Anarchist one who is out to destroy all government, peace and order

Apostate a person who has changed his faith

Arbitrator a person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute

 Ascetic one who leads an austere life

 Atheist a person who does not believe in God

 Bohemian a unconventional style of living

 Cerographist one who is bad in spellings

 Cannibal one who feeds on human flesh

 Carnivorous one who feeds on flesh

 Chauvinist a person who is blindly devoted to an idea

 Connoisseur a critical judge of any art and craft

 Contemporaries person living at the same time

 Convalescent one who is recovering health after illness

 Coquethe a girl who flirts with men

 Cosmopolitan a person who regards the whole world as his country

 Cynosure one who is centre of attraction

 Cynic one who is sneers at the beliefs of others

 Debonair polished and light hearted person

 Demagogue a leader who sways his followers by his oratory

 Dilettante a dabbler not serious in art, science and literature

 Effeminate a person who is womanish in his habits

 Egoist a lover of oneself, of one’s advancement

 Emigrant a person who leave his country to settle in another country

 Epicure one who is for pleasure of eating and drinking

 Fastidious one hard to pleased

 Fatalist one who believes in fate

 Feminist one who works for the welfare of women

 Fugitive one who runs away from justice

 Gourmand a lover of food

 Gourmet a good judge of food

 Henpecked a husband ruled by his wife

 Hedonist one who believes that sensual pleasure is chief good

 Heretic one who acts against religion

 Herbivorous one who lives on herbs

 Honorary one who hold a post without salary

 Highbrow a person considering himself to be superior in culture

 Hypochondriac one who is over anxious about his health

 Iconoclast one who is breaker of images and traditions

 Illiterate one who does not know reading or writing

 Immigrant a person who comes to a country from his own country for settling

 Impregnable that cannot be entered by force

 Impostor one who imaginary to be somebody else

 Indefatigable one who does not exhaust easily

 Introvert one who does not express himself freely

 Insolvent a person who is unable to pay his debts

 Itinerant one who journeys from place to place

 Invincible one too strong to be defeated

 Invulnerable one who can not be harmed/wounded

 Libertine a person who leads an immoral life

 Mercenary one who does something for the sake of money(bad sense)

 Misanthrope one who hates mankind

 Misogamist one who hates the institution of marriage

 Misologist one who hates knowledge

 Novice one who is inexperienced in anything Syn. Tyro

 Numismatist one who collects coins

 Omnivorous one who eats everything

 Optimist a person who looks at the bright side of things

 Orphan one who has lost one’s parents

 Philanthropist one who loves mankind

 Philogynist one who works for the welfare of women

 Polyglot one who speaks many languages SYN linguist

 Pacifist one who hates war

 Pessimist one who looks at the dark side of life

 Philanderer one who amuses(keep busy) oneself by love making

 Philistine one who does not care for art and literature

 Posthumous a child born after the death of father/ a book published after the death of author/ an award received after the death of the recipient

 Philatelist one who collects stamps

 Pedestrian one who walks on foot

 Recluse one who lives in seclusion

 Sadist a person who feels pleasure by hurting others

 Samaritan one who helps the needy and the helpless

 Somnambulist a person who walks in sleep

 Somniloquist a person who talks in sleep

 Stoic a person who is indifferent to pain and pleasures

 Swashbuckler a boastful fellow

 Teetotaler one who does not take any intoxicating drugs

 Termagant a noisy quarrelsome woman, a shrew

 Truant one who remains absent from duty without permission

 Toper/Sot one who habitual drunkard

 Uxorious one extremely fond of one’s wife

 Veteran one who has a long experience of any occupation

 Versatile one who adapts oneself readily to various situation

 Virtuoso one who is brilliant performer on stage(specially music)

One word Denoting General Object:-

☻Abdication Voluntary giving up of throne in favour of someone


An annual calendar with position of stars

Amphibian Animal that live both on land and sea

Allegory A story that expresses ideas through symbols

Anomaly Departure from common rule

Aquatic Animals that live in water

Autobiography A life history of a person written by himself

Axiom A statement accepted as true without proof

Belligerent One that is in a war like mood Syn. Bellicose

Biopsy Examination of living tissue

Blasphemy An act of speaking against religion

Chronology Events presented in order of occurrence

Conscription Compulsory enlistment for military service

Crusade A religious war

Drawn A game that results neither in victory nor in defeat

Eatable Anything to be eaten

Edible Fit to be eaten

Encyclopaedia A book that contains information on various subject

Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time

Epilogue A concluding speech/comment at the end of the play

Extempore A speech made without preparation Syn. Impromptu

Fable A story relating to birds/animals with a moral in the end

Facsimile An exact copy of handwriting, printing Syn. Xerox

Fatal That causes death

Fauna The animals of a particular region

Flora The flowers of a particular region

Fragile That can be easily broken

Gregarious Animals which live in a flock, used for human beings also (Syn. Sociable)

Illegible Incapable of being read (Ant. Legible)

In accessible A person/place that cannot be easily approached

Impracticable Incapable of being practiced (ant. Practicable)

Inaudible A sound that cannot be heard (Ant. Audible)

Incorrigible Incapable of being corrected

Irreparable Incapable of being repaired

Indelible A mark that cannot be erased

Infallible One who is free from all mistakes and failures

Inedible Not fit to eat(ant. Edible)

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