Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Quantitative Aptitude test For bank Exams
Online bank practice test

Directi0ns—(Q. 1-5) What will
come in place of question-mark (?) in
the following questions ?
1, (343 x 49) / (216 x 16 x 81) =

(A) 75 / 67
(B) 75 / 68
(C) 76 / 67
(D) 74 / 68
(E) None of these


2. 23×15-60+?+31=292

(A) 218
(B) 186
(C) 217
(D) 201
(E) None of these


3, 15% of 578 + 225% of 644 =?

(A) 231.4
(B) 233.6
(C) 231.8
(D) 231.6
(E) None of these


4. ?(5² x 14 – 6 x 7+(4)?) =18

(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) None of these


5. 15/4 + 22/5 – 25/8 =

(A) 161/40
(B) 201/40
(C) 241/40
(D) 203/40
(E) None of these


6. What would be the compound
interest accrued on an amount of
Rs. 7,400 @ 13-5 p.c.p.a. at the
end of two years ? (rounded off
to two digits after decimal)

(A) Rs, 2,136.87
(B) Rs. 2,306.81
(C) Rs. 2,032.18
(D) Rs. 2,132.87
(E) None of these


7. Sonu invested 10% more than
Mona. Mona invested 10% less
than Raghu. lf the total sum of
their investment is Rs. 5,780, how
much amount did Raghu invest

(A) Rs. 2,010
(B) Rs. 2,000
(C) Rs. 2,100
(D) Rs, 2,210
(E) None of these


8. The ratio of the ages of Tina and
Rakesh is 9 : 10 respectively. Ten
years ago the ratio of their ages
was 4 : 5 respectively. What is
the present age of Rakesh ?

(A) 25 years
(B) 20 years
(C) 30 years
(D) 24 years
(E) None of these


9. The circumference of two circles
is 132 metre and 176 metre
respectively. What is the diffe-
rence between the area of the
larger circle and the smaller
circle ?

(A) 1048 sq.me1;re
(B) 1076 sq. metre
(C) 1078 sq. metre
(D) 1090 sq. metre
(E) None of these


10. In how many different ways can
the letters of the word ’OFFICES’
be arranged ?

(A) 2520
(B) 5040
(C) 1850
(D) 1680
(E) None of these


Directions—(Q. 11-15) ln the
following number series 0nly one
number is wrong. Find out the wrong

11. 850, 600, 550, 500, 475, 462-5, 45625

(A) 600
(B) 550
(C) 500
(D) 462-5
(E) None of these


12. 2, 10, 18, 54, 162, 486, 1458

(A) 18
(B) 54
(C) 162
(D) 10
(E) None of these


13, 13, 25, 40, 57, 79, 103, 130

(A) 25
(B) 40
(C) 57
(D) 79
(E) None of these


14. 8, 12, 24, 46, 72, 108, 152

(A) 12
(B) 24
(C) 46
(D) 72
(E) None of these


15. 142, 11.9, 100, 83, 65, 59, 52

(A) 65
(B) 100
(C) 59
(D) 119
(E) None of these


Directions—(Q. 16-20) In the
following questions two equations
numbered l and H are given. You
have to solve both the equations and
give answer. If–
(A) x > y
(B) x ? y
(C) x < y
(D) x ? y
(E) x = y
or the relationship cannot be

16.1. X²—7X+l2= 0
II. y² + y — 12 = 0


17. I. 2x²+11x+14 = 0
II. 4y²+12y+9 = 0


18. 1. x4 -227 = 398
11. y² + 321 = 346


19, 1. x² – 4 = 0
11. y²+6y+9 = 0


20. 1. x² = 729
11. y = ?729


Directi0ns—(Q. 21-25) Study the table carefully to answer the questions
that follow-
Percentage of Marks Obtained by Six Students in Six Different Subjects
in Subject
Student Hindi English Science Math Social Studies Sanskrit
Max No.(175) (out of 80)(out of 125)(out of 100) (out of 120) (out of 35)
A 87 84 91 66 39 84
B 58 68 87 74 57 79
C 63 71 81 94 44 86
D 48 57 70 79 68 44
E 83 83 49 77 55 50
F 74 68 42 63 61 58

21. What are the average marks
obtained by all the students in
Science ?

(A) 87
(B) 86•5
(C) 90
(D) 87.5

(E) None of these.


22. What are the average marks
obtained by student F in Hindi,
English and Science subjects

(A) 78
(B) 82•4
(C) 788
(D) 84
(E) None of these


23. lf a minimum of 101 marks in
Science subject are required for
opting science stream in the
next academic year, how many
students will not able to opt
science stream due to insufficient
marks in Science subject?

(A) None
(B) Two
(C) Four
(D) Five
(E) Three


24. What are the total marks obtained
by D in Hindi, E in Social Studies
and C in Mathematics together ?

(A) 258
(B) 244
(C) 235
(D) 210
(E) None of these


25. What is the respective ratio of the
marks scored by E in Science and

(A) 35:83
(B) 61 :75
(C) 83:35
(D) 75:61
(E) None of these


Directions——(Q. 26—30) What
approximate value should come in
place of the question mark (?) in the
following questions ? (You are not
expected to calculate the exact value.)

26. 3942+64+3=?
(A) 29
(B) 32
(C) 21
(D) 17
(E) 11


27, 16.978 + 27.007 + 36.984 – 12.969 – 9.003 = ?

(A) 72
(B) 42
(C) 60
(D) 51
(E) 65


28. 18% of 609 + 275% of 450 = ?

(A) 220
(B) 233
(C) 267
(D) 248
(E) 274


29. 23/10 x 34/7 x 15/7 = ?

(A) 68
(B) 72
(C) 93
(D) 84
(E) 101


30. 12.564 x 22.009 x17.932 =?

(A) 4901
(B) 4895
(C) 4800
(D) 4959
(E) 4350


Directions Study the
information carefully to answer the
questions that follow—
On the occasion of an opening
ceremony of a Sports events, in a
stadium there are total of 600 players
who are participating in four different
events viz. Athletics, Table tennis,
Kho-Kho and Lawn Tennis. The ratio
between male to female players is
11 : 4 respectively. 30% of the female
players out of total female players
are participating in athletics. 10% of
female players out of total female
players are participating in table
tennis. The remaining female players
are participating in l
tennis in the ratio of 1 : 3 respectively.
The ratio of male players who are
participating in athletics and other
events together is 3 : 5 respectively.
4% of those male players who are not
participating in athletics are partici-
pating in lawn tennis. Remaining
male players are participating in table
tennis and Kho-Kho in the ratio of
5 : 3 respectively.

31. What is the ratio between the
female players participating in
lawn tennis to table tennis res-
pectively ?

(A) 9 1 5
(B) 4: 7
(C) 7:4
(D) 9:2
(E) None of these


32. What is the difference between
male players participating in kho-
kho and female players participating in lawn tennis

(A) 27
(B) 31
(C) 83
(D) 76
(E) None of these


33. What is the ratio between the
male players participating in
Lawn tennis and female players
participating in table tennis respectively

(A) 11 :72
(B) 11:38
(C) 11:16
(D) 16: 13
(E) None of these


34. What is the total number of
female players who are partici-
pating in athletics and Kho•Kho
together ?

(A) 68
(B) 72
(C) 58 I
(D) 67
(E) None of these


35. What is the total number of
players (both males and females
together) participating in table
tennis and athletics together

(A) 360
(B) 358
(C) 374
(D) 396
(E) None of these


Directions—(Q. 36-40) Study the
following table carefully to answer
the questions that follow-
Production of Sugar (in tonne)
of Three Different States over
the years
State/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
P 4.3 4.9 5.6 5.8 6.7 7.4
Q 3.1 3.7 4.4 5.1 6.0 6.2
R 3•9 4.7 5•8 6•6 7.3 8.3
Total 11.3 13.3 15•8 17•5 20 21.9

36. What is the average production
of sugar of all the three states in
2003 and 2004 together 7

(A) 4.1 tonne
(B) 4•7 tonne
(C) 5•
(D) 4•8 tonne
(E) None of these


37, What is the ratio between total
production of sugar of all the
three states in year 2006 and 2007
respectively ?

(A) 7 : 9
(B) 6 : 7
(C) 8 : 7
(D) 7:8
(E) 11:12


38. What is the average production
Of sugar of State R for all the
years together ?

(A) 6.24 tonne
(B) 6•3 tonne
(C) 7.1 tonne
(D) 6.1 tonne
(E) None of these


39. What is the difference between
the total production of sugar of
all the three states together in
2008 and 2005 respectively

(A) 6•9 tonne
(B) 4-3 tonne
(C) 6•1 tonne
(D) 5~1 tonne
(E) None of these


40. What is the approximate per-
centage increase in production of
sugar in state Q from 2006 to
2007 ?

(A) 12
(B) 18
(C) 24
(D) 10
(E) 21


Directi0ns—(Q. 41-45) Study the
following carefully to
answer these questions.
Total Expenditure 2 Rs. 60 Lac

Expenditure of funds by university
for various purposes

Medical facility for students: 7%
Research work: 8%
Psychology library: 10%
Computer laboratory : 18%
Sports: 12%
Purchase of books : 6%
Publications of journals : 6%
Purchase of projectors for Ph.D: 24%

41. What is the total sum of expenditure 0n Research work, Pur-
chase of overhead projectors for
Ph.D. Classes and Purchase of
books for Library together ?

(A) Rs. 22-6 lac . `
(B) Rs. 22~8 lac
(C) Rs. 23~4 lac
(D) Rs. 2U•8 lac
(E) None of these


42. What is the difference between
the expenditure made by university for Publication of journals
and Psychology Laboratory ?

(A) Rs, 4 lac
(B) Rs. 3 lac
(C) Rs. 4•2 lac
(D) Rs. 3•8 lac
(E) None of these


43, What is the respective ratio bet-
ween the expenditure made by
university on research work and
purchase of books for library ?

(A) 4 1 5
(B) 5 :4
(C) S 1 3
(D) 8:5
(E) None of these


44. It the expenditure on purchase of
overhead projectors for Ph.D.
Students is decreased by 7%,
what will be the expenditure on
the same after the decrease ?

(A) Rs. 1,33,920
(B) Rs. 13,39,200
(C) Rs, 1,02,000
(D) Rs. 1,08,000
(E) None of these


45. Which of the following is definitely true ?

(A) Ratio between expenditure
of university for the purchase of
library books and expenditure
on computer laboratory is 3 : 1
(B) Expenditure on medical faci—
lities for students is Rs, 4•6 lac
(C) Difference between the
expenditure on research work
and medical facilities for student
is Rs. 60,000
(D) All are true
(E) None of these


Directi0ns—(Q. 46-50) Study the
following graph carefully to answer
these questions.
N0. of students in College A and College B over the years
Number of students
Year College A College B
2003 20 30
2004 40 60
2005 45 65
2006 50 70
2007 70 80
2008 75 85

46. Number of students of College B
in year 2008 is what per cent of
total students of College B in all
the years together ? (Round off to
two digits after deci.mal)

(A) 20•61
(B) 2379
(C) 2179
(D) 17•29
(E) None of these


47. What is the average number of
students in College A for all the
years together ?

(A) 45,000
(B) 50,000
(C) 52,000
(D) 48,000
(E) None of these


48. What is the approximate per—
centage rise in number of students
of college B from 2005 to 2006 ?

(A) 8
(B) 12
(C) 4
(D) 15
(E) 20


49. For which college(s) and in
which year was the percent rise
in nurn-ber of students from the
previous year the highest ?

(A) College A in year 2004 and
College B in year 2005
(B) Only College B in year 2004
(C) College A in year 2004 and
College B in year 2004
(D) College A in year 2007 and
College B in year 2004
(E) None of these


50. What is the ratio between the
total number of students of
College A in year 2004, 2006
and 2007 together and the total
number of students of College B
in year 2003, 2004 and 2008
respectively ?

(A) 35 :32
(B) 33 :37
(C) 34 :31
(D) 32 :35
(E) None of these


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